
Applying for a new job is toxic; literally selling ourselves in the marketplace

I’ve been looking for a new job while still in my current position. It really is a full time job looking for another job — I had to take time off to apply to new positions and literally spent 6 hours two days in a row applying to 10 positions. Lots of applications with long, open-ended questions; revamping resume and cover letters. And then all that (sometimes spending upwards of two hours to apply for one job) only to get responses like the one I got today: “Unfortunately, we have decided not to proceed with your application for this role. We received over 600 strong applications for this role…”

I’ve been looking for a new job while still in my current position. It really is a full time job looking for another job — I had to take time off to apply to new positions and literally spent 6 hours two days in a row applying to 10 positions. Lots of applications with long, open-ended questions; revamping resume and cover letters. And then all that (sometimes spending upwards of two hours to apply for one job) only to get responses like the one I got today:

“Unfortunately, we have decided not to proceed with your application for this role. We received over 600 strong applications for this role…”

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