
TW Suicide My ex boss spun my approved medical leave as “attendance issues” to my new boss

Issue is in the title. In December of 2020, I (29M) was experiencing heart problems and very bad mental health issues, specifically due to the job. I was working 15 hour days with little to no help, and it was killing me, physically and emotionally. Near the end of the year, I decided I was going to kill myself, as I saw no way out. I'm fine now, I got a lot of help and was told to take 1 month off for doctor ordered recovery and mandatory therapy. Fast forward to now, my new boss (who honestly is great) told me today that when he was brought in, my old boss and one of my team mates went on at length about my “attendance issues”. I only missed 3 days that entire year after my leave was up, and it was due to a COVID scare. Last year I…

Issue is in the title. In December of 2020, I (29M) was experiencing heart problems and very bad mental health issues, specifically due to the job. I was working 15 hour days with little to no help, and it was killing me, physically and emotionally. Near the end of the year, I decided I was going to kill myself, as I saw no way out. I'm fine now, I got a lot of help and was told to take 1 month off for doctor ordered recovery and mandatory therapy.

Fast forward to now, my new boss (who honestly is great) told me today that when he was brought in, my old boss and one of my team mates went on at length about my “attendance issues”. I only missed 3 days that entire year after my leave was up, and it was due to a COVID scare. Last year I missed 2. I have never been coached or written up for attendance.

My new boss said he's going to clear the air with higher ups and my teammate (who I still work with unfortunately) but like… What the fuck? Should I go to HR? I'm so pissed that this rumor is so pervasive when I went through hell and worked so hard once I was back.

The whole thing is making me wish I wasn't the breadwinner of my family. I'm so tired of office politics. The biggest irony of all is that I work for a huge healthcare company who makes a big deal out of mental health awareness.

Sorry for the rant, I'm still very pissed about the whole situation.

TL;DR I was on a mandatory leave after a suicide attempt and my old boss and coworker are telling everyone I have terrible attendance. 2 years later this is still haunting me.

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