I have been at this job for 3 years now. I have this one coworker who we shall call A. Ever since I started, A (been there 19 years) has made sure to humiliate and embarrass me in front of my coworkers. When I make a mistake, A says it out loud for everyone to hear, making me feel like an idiot. Other than those comments, A has a terrible attitude, and is awful to everyone in every department. They have been moved from every department we have (we are a very big company) and after multiple incidents they still have not been let go. They even went as far to push a pregnant coworker of mine, and all they got was a talking to from the owners and their seat moved (sadly, next to me). I finally had it after multiple situations and A really humiliated me last week on Tuesday in front of my coworkers (who for obvious reasons do not like A). I, for the millionth time went to my managers office fuming and I told her that I do not want to sit next to A, nor do I even want to come to work anymore. All of us in my department have complained to my manager countless times, and A continues to verbally harass others and myself especially. The funny thing is, that we’ve been keeping a book of all detailed events with date and time and witnesses in a book, but only since April. I made a copy of what we have in the book and gave it to my boss. I have not heard from her about it since. I emailed one of the owners (who is also HR) about something unrelated (same day of incident), and although their email had an away message that they would be back on Friday, they answered me. I figured they would also reply to this next email, so I emailed HR saying “I would like to schedule a department meeting with the owners regarding workplace harassment” (I forwarded it to myself just in case). They have not answered although they are back in the office. I have not heard from them, or my manager about this. Today I was informed that on Thursday, we will have a workplace harassment course. The timing is so fucking convenient. I don’t know what sort of under-the-table blackmail deal A has with the owners, but I won’t stand for this any longer. I shouldn’t have to switch jobs because someone is verbally abusing ME. My next step is reaching out to the department of labor, and I think they are using this course (we have not taken it in 2 years, not even virtually) to cover this up. If I still do not hear back from anyone, I am going to ask many questions out loud during the course, and ask what I should do if I am experiencing this and no one is getting back to me (cause I’m petty). I also wonder if I should get a lawyer involved.
TLDR: coworker constantly harassing and bullying me, workplace doing nothing about it. Wondering where I should go from here.