
Fired after a year and a half.

Hey everyone, I worked for a startup for about a year and a half, originally as Manager for Technical Services and then Director of Operations. I'd been sent to a customer location for about a month working in one of our datacenters working on equipment and our engineers in order to create a 'relationship' with the customer to not be pissed at the company for being over a month past the original live date. On Wednesday I placed a call to my boss, who 5 months prior promised me a raise and 4 months before that promised a raise from my promotion. I laid into her saying I hadn't had my 2 raises I was promised or my 1 year evaluation and that I'm still paying on our house in Ukraine and living in the US while the war is going on, plis the higher cost of living in the…

Hey everyone, I worked for a startup for about a year and a half, originally as Manager for Technical Services and then Director of Operations.

I'd been sent to a customer location for about a month working in one of our datacenters working on equipment and our engineers in order to create a 'relationship' with the customer to not be pissed at the company for being over a month past the original live date.

On Wednesday I placed a call to my boss, who 5 months prior promised me a raise and 4 months before that promised a raise from my promotion. I laid into her saying I hadn't had my 2 raises I was promised or my 1 year evaluation and that I'm still paying on our house in Ukraine and living in the US while the war is going on, plis the higher cost of living in the US and a family to take care of. Long story short I got the raise, and it was significant but they weren't too happy about it.

I ended up calling in sick Thursday and Friday due to feeling absolutely horrible. On Sunday I called my boss and since I was out of sick days without a doctor's note (don't have insurance, and I'm 6 hours from my Dr.) I requested vacation for Monday and was approved by HR & my Boss.

45 minutes later I got a call back saying I'm terminated and that I really let them down by not being on site and could have lost them the contract and to send my equipment, keys, badges etc in to HR.

Not really sure what to do, since I was originally hired while living in Ukraine with my family, I was considered an international contractor.

But I've been back home in the US since the end of February so I would assume I have some protections to not be fired if I requested time off and it was granted?

I'd never been given any verbal or written warnings or counseling, I'd been told by my boss, and the CEO how happy they were with my performance and being available whenever they needed me on nights and weekends, etc.

Is there anything I can do?

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