
Job interview help??

So I finally have a job interview doing something I’m good at, and the standard salary for it in my area is well over $50k. I really want to ace the interview, although I’m morally opposed to the company in basically every way. (Not gonna say what it is bc I don’t want to be identified, but a good comparison is like if a plus size body positivity influencer were to start working in advertising for a company that sells dangerous diet pills). My idea is to take the money I make above our bills (we live in a shed turned tiny house so it’s cheap) and reinvest into side hustles until I’m making a passive income until I can quit or find something more suitable. I’ve put out my feelers elsewhere with less ethically evil companies, but so far haven’t heard back. I’ve only ever worked minimum wage jobs,…

So I finally have a job interview doing something I’m good at, and the standard salary for it in my area is well over $50k. I really want to ace the interview, although I’m morally opposed to the company in basically every way. (Not gonna say what it is bc I don’t want to be identified, but a good comparison is like if a plus size body positivity influencer were to start working in advertising for a company that sells dangerous diet pills).

My idea is to take the money I make above our bills (we live in a shed turned tiny house so it’s cheap) and reinvest into side hustles until I’m making a passive income until I can quit or find something more suitable. I’ve put out my feelers elsewhere with less ethically evil companies, but so far haven’t heard back.

I’ve only ever worked minimum wage jobs, so how do I ace an interview for an educated office job, especially whilst pretending I don’t despise it all?

I know there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism and that all jobs are exploitative and such, but we are really desperate for a good income and I’m desperate to not be a stay at home parent because it’s destroying me as a person.

I don’t know what to do.

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