
It’s very convenient to target Zucc, Musk, Bezos, and Gates as they are the most prominent in social media — but this subreddit is missing the mark. Corporations like Blackrock, Nestle, and Vanguard are the real problem. Larry Fink just isn’t as fun to meme because he’s quiet and looks like a thumb

Memes that misdirect the attention from the true enemies of democracy are helping to erode the foundation of groups such as this one, groups with genuine concern and care for the working class. Too easily manipulated by a false sense of righteousness when it comes to eccentric billionaires and the stupid shit they do. These billionaires cannot and will not contribute as much as they think they will contribute to the betterment of humanity. Focusing attention on Musk and mocking him for not solving world hunger or making him appear hypocritical about first amendment rights is in and of itself hypocritical of the purpose of this subreddit. Freedom of speech is afforded to you by our constitution and protects you from our government, not corporate entities like Twitter or people like Musk. This subreddit is on track to become another propaganda puppet controlled by these trillion-dollar corporations and will be…

Memes that misdirect the attention from the true enemies of democracy are helping to erode the foundation of groups such as this one, groups with genuine concern and care for the working class. Too easily manipulated by a false sense of righteousness when it comes to eccentric billionaires and the stupid shit they do.

These billionaires cannot and will not contribute as much as they think they will contribute to the betterment of humanity. Focusing attention on Musk and mocking him for not solving world hunger or making him appear hypocritical about first amendment rights is in and of itself hypocritical of the purpose of this subreddit. Freedom of speech is afforded to you by our constitution and protects you from our government, not corporate entities like Twitter or people like Musk.

This subreddit is on track to become another propaganda puppet controlled by these trillion-dollar corporations and will be slowly manipulated to distract you from the actual source of the daily problems our economy and working-class people face.

Bill Gates is not responsible for why your rent is through the roof.

Elon Musk is not responsible for why your insurance is privatized.

Mark Zucc is not responsible for why the cost of the average house is skyrocketing.

Jeff Bezos is not responsible for why the federal minimum wage has not increased since 2009.

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