
Quitting without notice.

Throwaway because, ya know. So I've been at this job since January. Got it out of desperation (at the time), and thought it'd be an easy job to get me by until I found something better. Being that this was an entry level job (in my field), and I have lots of experience, they promoted me within 3 months. Well 1 month in as supervisor, I see our opinions on employee treatment aren't equal. In particular, people are now coming to me saying they don't get days they request off (in advance), or are working full-time when they got hired for a part time position (and while they've been working the hours, it's not what they thought they were getting into). For one girl, she wanted Sundays off to play soccer, she's 19. She works, and is willing to work, the other 6 days of the week. When I presented…

Throwaway because, ya know.
So I've been at this job since January. Got it out of desperation (at the time), and thought it'd be an easy job to get me by until I found something better.

Being that this was an entry level job (in my field), and I have lots of experience, they promoted me within 3 months.

Well 1 month in as supervisor, I see our opinions on employee treatment aren't equal. In particular, people are now coming to me saying they don't get days they request off (in advance), or are working full-time when they got hired for a part time position (and while they've been working the hours, it's not what they thought they were getting into).
For one girl, she wanted Sundays off to play soccer, she's 19. She works, and is willing to work, the other 6 days of the week. When I presented this to my manager, asking why she can't just have Sundays off. I got a response of, “If extra curriculars are more important to them than this job, maybe this isn't the job for them.” This is a barely above minimum wage job, with no benefits. Why wouldn't other things be more important? I think it's dumb for them to expect their employees to work 6 days a week and have no other life. While they only come in mornings for ~ 6 hours or less, and get 1-2 days off. But I guess that's what you can do as an owner.

The “part-time” employee can be snarky some, and my bosses take it as a “bad attitude” and there has been talk of firing her. Recently I messaged them explaining that I didn't think we should fire her, because we're all burnt out. We're already understaffed, and losing one more isn't going to be pretty (que slight guilt).

They never responded to me. Have pretty much ghosted me since then (they're gone by the time I show up). But one of my coworkers told me he got pulled aside and asked what all the “burnout” drama was. When my coworker didn't have a good answer, my boss said “So, it must be an estrogen thing.” My coworker said he had no response to this, and that's where their conversation ended.

Considering 90% of our very unstaffed, staff, is female- this pissed me off a bit.

So, I got some interviews lined up. Have initial interviews out of the way, and now have some working interviews coming up (my field generally does trial run days, to make sure an employee can handle it- it's in animal care). So, I'm quitting tomorrow night. I plan to leave all of my company things (mainly my key) and email my resignation. I'm nervous and feel guilty as hell, but the estrogen comment really killed any remaining spirit I had for this place.

I feel bad for my coworkers, but if I can't even help them as a “supervisor”, then there isn't going to be a change. Idk. Must be an estrogen thing.
The new jobs I'm applying for are offering much higher pay, and actual time off! So, it will greatly benefit my mental health. Hopefully my coworkers will find something better soon, as well.

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