
[UPDATE] Employer changing my job duties without pay increase. Difference of 80k between the two titles..

Original: For anyone that was curious for an update, I discussed with my manager and only presented the first option (reassigning the project) because even if they did agree to a 40k raise, I still wouldn't be happy because ultimately, I don't want to do that work. Good news, my manager talked to the director and they are going to reassign the project! So a big FUCK YOU to the folks who found it necessary to DM me to tell me how much of an idiot I am and that I'm going to be fired for telling them “no”. This ended well but I did a lot of thinking last week and don't know that I want to work here anyways because I'm not engaged with the work. I updated my resume and sent out a couple apps last Friday and have some phone screens lined up this week…


For anyone that was curious for an update, I discussed with my manager and only presented the first option (reassigning the project) because even if they did agree to a 40k raise, I still wouldn't be happy because ultimately, I don't want to do that work.

Good news, my manager talked to the director and they are going to reassign the project! So a big FUCK YOU to the folks who found it necessary to DM me to tell me how much of an idiot I am and that I'm going to be fired for telling them “no”.

This ended well but I did a lot of thinking last week and don't know that I want to work here anyways because I'm not engaged with the work. I updated my resume and sent out a couple apps last Friday and have some phone screens lined up this week 🙂

Edit: wanted to add this in case anyone finds themselves in a similar position. Don't just say, “No, I don't want to do it”, tell them why you can't (eg, not enough time with the other tasks you have on your to do list) and present them with some solutions (in my case, reassigning to a specific person who I know has no project work). It won't always work but at least you'll look better than if you just said you refuse.

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