
Boomer dad is out of touch.

I just had a terrible chat with my dad. We spoke about taxes, rising living costs and the general state of the world. It went about as well as expected. I told my dad I think it’s disgusting that the CEO of my company can rake in more money than he could ever spend and the people at the bottom are struggling to make ends meet. This comes at the same time as a tax rise in the UK that is going to greatly affect people in the lower levels of society. I told him that it isn’t sustainable & asked him what am I supposed to do if I can’t afford to heat my flat, buy food & pay my taxes. He casually told me I would have to go on food stamps… The guy lives in a £1M house with no mortgage, living his best life whilst his…

I just had a terrible chat with my dad. We spoke about taxes, rising living costs and the general state of the world.

It went about as well as expected.
I told my dad I think it’s disgusting that the CEO of my company can rake in more money than he could ever spend and the people at the bottom are struggling to make ends meet. This comes at the same time as a tax rise in the UK that is going to greatly affect people in the lower levels of society.
I told him that it isn’t sustainable & asked him what am I supposed to do if I can’t afford to heat my flat, buy food & pay my taxes.

He casually told me I would have to go on food stamps…

The guy lives in a £1M house with no mortgage, living his best life whilst his son can’t even afford to buy a home.
He’s so out of touch with the state of the world and how the standard of living has dropped and peoples disposable income is evaporating. It’s not his problem though so why should we change the system that has benefited him so well?


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