
Why do my military models need to be hidden?

Whenever the higher-ups tour my lab to smell their own farts and pat themselves on the back for not contributing anything meaningful to the company, this middle-level manager always takes my WW2 and Korean Era military model tanks off my desk to hide them in the lab breakroom. Sometimes they don't handle them with care and break off pieces and parts in the process. When I asked why, she told me because it was unprofessional to have personal items on my desk. MEANWHILE my coworkers have photos of cars and their family, awards and other personal items on their desk yet no one is forcing them to take them all down to hide in the breakroom. One even has a diecast MODEL and yet I'm the only one being singled out. What is going on? This person barely knows me, yet seems to be singling me out for some reason.…

Whenever the higher-ups tour my lab to smell their own farts and pat themselves on the back for not contributing anything meaningful to the company, this middle-level manager always takes my WW2 and Korean Era military model tanks off my desk to hide them in the lab breakroom. Sometimes they don't handle them with care and break off pieces and parts in the process. When I asked why, she told me because it was unprofessional to have personal items on my desk. MEANWHILE my coworkers have photos of cars and their family, awards and other personal items on their desk yet no one is forcing them to take them all down to hide in the breakroom. One even has a diecast MODEL and yet I'm the only one being singled out.

What is going on? This person barely knows me, yet seems to be singling me out for some reason.

Edit: These models are from polystyrene kits I made and painted myself. Diecast models are basically made in a factory. Just to clarify.

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