
My job is breaking me

I've been working for my current company since Sept 2020. Immediately after I was hired, I was pushed into an assistant manager role (for a call/sales center) because there wasn't one on my shift and I started organizing people because nothing was getting done. I finally got a raise of $2/hour after 5 months… No back pay, of course. 2 months after that, the manager quit and I was unofficially the manager (because there was no one else trained) for a month before I finally got the official job title and another raise of $2.23/hour (but it's only that much if I only work 40 hours/week since I'm salary.) Since I was promoted the first time, I've had issues with one specific person. She came in 3 weeks before me but never got promoted because she can't multitask at all. When I got promoted to manager, they moved her to…

I've been working for my current company since Sept 2020. Immediately after I was hired, I was pushed into an assistant manager role (for a call/sales center) because there wasn't one on my shift and I started organizing people because nothing was getting done. I finally got a raise of $2/hour after 5 months… No back pay, of course.

2 months after that, the manager quit and I was unofficially the manager (because there was no one else trained) for a month before I finally got the official job title and another raise of $2.23/hour (but it's only that much if I only work 40 hours/week since I'm salary.)

Since I was promoted the first time, I've had issues with one specific person. She came in 3 weeks before me but never got promoted because she can't multitask at all. When I got promoted to manager, they moved her to to training for some reason (I had no day in this), but she's still in my department and I'm still her boss. I have to retrain almost everyone she trains because she “forgets” and gives out bad or outdated information, and she's taken to poisoning new hires against me and the shift supervisor (my 2nd) to the point where it's become a hostile environment. She argues with me and the supervisor in the group chat and complained of favoritism (because we trained someone as a backup and it wasn't here… Because she can't multitask) to the point where I am now being micromanaged by upper management and they won't let us have any fun in chat… work-related chats only.

I've been out in a family emergency but have had to deal with this bullshit all week because she was argumentative with the supervisor, threatened his job, and then went over his head and my head to complain to my boss.

I finally told my boss that I can't deal with her anymore. I've reported her several times for her behavior to upper management, since they won't let me fire anyone without permission, and they keep protecting her. I've mentioned how bad she is at her job and they still keep sweeping it under the rug. I've gotten to the point where I'm pretty sure that she's either sleeping with someone higher up or she has dirt on them because they won't let me fire her.

(Edit: the worker in question is protected by the director, the VP, and the CEO. This is but a case of me not knowing how to manage or not being a good manager. This is literally a case of them not allowing me to manage her. If I try to coach her, write her up, or even ask her to do something she didn't want to do, she goes over my head to the top people in the company.)

The shift supervisor is about to walk. At least half of my department is looking for other jobs because of this bullshit. And if I could, I would just peace out. I have to work remotely due to a disability, but I've been having a difficult time finding a new job because I'm overqualified. I'm still applying, but I can't afford to quit until I have something lined up.

But I just want to cry.

I don't want to log in tomorrow.

They broke my soul. I'm not suicidal but I have no will to do anything.

I don't have any health insurance through my current job because they wanted to charge me over $15k just for the premiums when they only pay me $40k gross and I have to pay almost $13k in rent per year as is. So no mental health benefits, I've been without migraine meds for almost 2 years, and I couldn't afford insurance through the ACA because my state sucks and does everything they can to make the plans unaffordable… I made $2/hour too much to qualify for ANY subsidies.

I'm sorry for this long rant. I'm just broken and don't want to go back to work tomorrow because I'm tired of working for a company that is so enamored with one worker that they don't care if the rest are miserable

I wish I could just quit. But I can't.

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