
Fuck Capitalism…

I lost my job illegally for having mental health issues even though I was very upfront and honest about it. Fuck I even got a nurse to fill out the accommodations paper work they gave me! Since then I haven’t been able to find another job which is fucking with me because I have experience and the qualifications but just keep getting rejection letter after rejection letter from companies. Or I get scam artists that provide a false sense of security only to try and take what little I have left. It’s fucking with me insanely, I honestly just need a job….I just need something good to happen is that too much to ask?

I lost my job illegally for having mental health issues even though I was very upfront and honest about it. Fuck I even got a nurse to fill out the accommodations paper work they gave me! Since then I haven’t been able to find another job which is fucking with me because I have experience and the qualifications but just keep getting rejection letter after rejection letter from companies. Or I get scam artists that provide a false sense of security only to try and take what little I have left. It’s fucking with me insanely, I honestly just need a job….I just need something good to happen is that too much to ask?

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