
My boss makes me quit my job

I know, this post is more like a rant … nevertheless, maybe you can help me decide if I should quit my job or not. First things first: I work as a production assistant for a small team of production managers. I know, the job of an assistant is to do all the “bullshit tasks” the managers don't care / don't want to do however there are different kind of managers: One and a half of them really support me and try do give me interesting tasks (to learn something), one of them even did a job I'm supposed to do because he saw how loaded my schedule was – he takes “no overtime as an assistant” really serious. I have a particular problem with the “group leader” (although all managers are “equal”); (s)he doesn't care how much work I've to do, is constantly nagging and gives me 10 tasks…

I know, this post is more like a rant … nevertheless, maybe you can help me decide if I should quit my job or not.

First things first: I work as a production assistant for a small team of production managers. I know, the job of an assistant is to do all the “bullshit tasks” the managers don't care / don't want to do however there are different kind of managers: One and a half of them really support me and try do give me interesting tasks (to learn something), one of them even did a job I'm supposed to do because he saw how loaded my schedule was – he takes “no overtime as an assistant” really serious.

I have a particular problem with the “group leader” (although all managers are “equal”); (s)he doesn't care how much work I've to do, is constantly nagging and gives me 10 tasks at once, complaining afterwards why I'm not done yet. I once told it's too much (a day only has 24 hours in the end) but the result know is, that I do even more “stupid” and boring tasks, while (s)he micromanaging every bloody step I make.

The next thing is, I'm not allowed to question workflows and in general, the work is very inefficient (we use bloody Excel for everything although there are better tools available).

Originally I was not hired as an assistant rather something in-between manager and assistant. At the time I had to sign the contract, I was “downgraded” with less salary … this should have been a warning but I was dazzled by the promise that this will only be the first year, the opportunities and benefits and that the “new” job title's just a formal thing. I'm a half year in and I don't see any progress; my position is settled and when they talk about my career in the company they just talk about 5, 6 or 7 seven years … nothing imminent or in the near future.

I took the job because it's well paid, the job is interesting, fun and I could ignore all the “drama” about the title and salary (although I'm overqualified with my education) if it wasn't about my boss. Changing the department is not possible. I really enjoy when (s)he is not in the office, I get work done more quickly and with less errors.

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