
leaving with no notice

I've been working for a grocery store for the last 3 years. I've transfered between two stores and moved from a cashier to an assistant customer service manager within that time. I filled in for my customer service manager for 3 months throughout the recent holidays while she was on maternity leave. My duties during that time included: hiring, onboarding, schedule making, report filling/printing, ordering and so much more. Now during the last 9+ months my store manager has been out with COVID. He got very ill, put in a respirator, and had to recover before returning. He's been back 3 months and my job has gone to shit. We call for help and get ignored, they steal our people while we are short staffed and verbally say they don't care. They have no knowledge of the front end and refused to learn when offered on multiple occasions. Within the…

I've been working for a grocery store for the last 3 years. I've transfered between two stores and moved from a cashier to an assistant customer service manager within that time. I filled in for my customer service manager for 3 months throughout the recent holidays while she was on maternity leave. My duties during that time included: hiring, onboarding, schedule making, report filling/printing, ordering and so much more.
Now during the last 9+ months my store manager has been out with COVID. He got very ill, put in a respirator, and had to recover before returning. He's been back 3 months and my job has gone to shit. We call for help and get ignored, they steal our people while we are short staffed and verbally say they don't care. They have no knowledge of the front end and refused to learn when offered on multiple occasions. Within the last 2 months we've had 2 separate instances of associates coming in on their days off to fight another employee. Scenes were made in front of customers and nothing was ever done. The girl went to my store manager to file a HR case and he didn't help her.
I got to a breaking point when on Easter my assistant store manager left 4 hours early to have dinner with his family. No warning to anyone in the store and showed clear disappointment he was called up 3 times that day alone. I wrote out my two week notice that day. My old manager called me and agreed to work out a transfer. I didn't want to leave the company I have my 401K with, spent a few years with. This transfer offered me to step down and KEEP MY PAY RATE. The other store accepted me and all I had to do was tell my store manager. I spoke with my manager 3 days later, he said “if this is something you want then we can make it happen. I'll post your job today” that was said a week and 3 days ago. Since then I've been ignored when asked about my transfer, I was told its just going to “take a while”. After a week with no update I called the other store. My manager blocked my transfer a week ago and is actively lying to my face.

I stepped up when nobody else would, I stayed and worked longer hours, gave up my weekends, sacrificed so much for a company that ripped this opportunity out from under my feet. I turned down other job opportunities for this transfer. I will be leaving my keys in the store and walking out on Sunday.
“Count on me” huh?

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