
Why are people so against their own interests? It drives me crazy!

I've gotten my blood boiling by an internet debate again, I should know better. There was a post on Facebook about a woman walking out of a Dollar Tree store manager interview because they wouldn't pay her a measly 21$/h. Everyone is calling her entitled and ridiculous. I pointed out that even Walmart (one of the worst companies in the world) pays their Store Managers over 100k/year. Now I have hundreds of people insisting that isn't true even thoughit's EASILY googleable. It's on glassdoor. It's on Walmart's own website. It's in news articles. It's clearly true that almost all Walmart Store Managers (the whole store, not department managers or shift managers or assistant managers) make 100k while everyone else makes just over minimum wage. Instead of being MAD that pay could be better, they literally put their head's in the sand and reject reality. It's almost like if they have…

I've gotten my blood boiling by an internet debate again, I should know better.

There was a post on Facebook about a woman walking out of a Dollar Tree store manager interview because they wouldn't pay her a measly 21$/h. Everyone is calling her entitled and ridiculous. I pointed out that even Walmart (one of the worst companies in the world) pays their Store Managers over 100k/year. Now I have hundreds of people insisting that isn't true even thoughit's EASILY googleable. It's on glassdoor. It's on Walmart's own website. It's in news articles. It's clearly true that almost all Walmart Store Managers (the whole store, not department managers or shift managers or assistant managers) make 100k while everyone else makes just over minimum wage.

Instead of being MAD that pay could be better, they literally put their head's in the sand and reject reality.

It's almost like if they have to acknowledge there actually are good salaries out there, they'd have to admit they are being fucked over, and they might have to actually DO something about it.

But that's hard so just screencapture assistant manager jobs to “prove me wrong” I guess.

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