
Leaving the cubicle farm

There are 2 parts to this story, but I’ll keep it brief. 1st- left law school and became a claims adjuster for a large insurance company. It was a 30 mile commute in traffic and had to wear a suit, no taking off a jacket, even though we never saw clients. Imagine a Home Depot but all cubicles, no clients, ever. I couldn’t believe this was my life after deciding to walk away from law school and 100k in Debt. 2nd- someone realizes I know about cars, so they give me company car and allow me to wfh, going from junkyard to body shop,etc… it was incredible! But then- new boss comes and says everyone back in the office. Back to the cube. Ugh… a bunch of us met up on a Saturday for bloody Mary’s lunch, and then went to see “office space” at the theatre. 15 quit the…

There are 2 parts to this story, but I’ll keep it brief. 1st- left law school and became a claims adjuster for a large insurance company. It was a 30 mile commute in traffic and had to wear a suit, no taking off a jacket, even though we never saw clients. Imagine a Home Depot but all cubicles, no clients, ever. I couldn’t believe this was my life after deciding to walk away from law school and 100k in Debt. 2nd- someone realizes I know about cars, so they give me company car and allow me to wfh, going from junkyard to body shop,etc… it was incredible! But then- new boss comes and says everyone back in the office. Back to the cube. Ugh… a bunch of us met up on a Saturday for bloody Mary’s lunch, and then went to see “office space” at the theatre. 15 quit the next week ,me being one of them. That was right around the Columbine shooting, not relevant other than a time stamp. Office space changed a lot more lives than people think, it was the first time many of us were shaken awake to think- this is fucked up! Issued to get physically I’ll pulling in to that office.

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