
Bullshit raises are almost worse than nothing.

I just read a post about someone getting a good work review and getting a 40c raise. It made me remember in the past when I got a 12c raise and how fucked that is. I remember I had to go to an office kinda far away for the meeting. I remember the two managers who never even looked at my route sitting and smiling. I remember I was asking for a dollar bump because I was working one of the bigger stores (alcohol merchandiser) and was pulling a bunch of extra weight because they couldn't hold staff. A 1% raise. And these assholes were smiling. I asked why so low and they seemed shocked and said something about not smiling enough. They literally never saw me work. If I'm not smiling on the floor it's because I'm heating thousands of pounds of liquor and wine and might have been…

I just read a post about someone getting a good work review and getting a 40c raise. It made me remember in the past when I got a 12c raise and how fucked that is. I remember I had to go to an office kinda far away for the meeting. I remember the two managers who never even looked at my route sitting and smiling. I remember I was asking for a dollar bump because I was working one of the bigger stores (alcohol merchandiser) and was pulling a bunch of extra weight because they couldn't hold staff. A 1% raise. And these assholes were smiling. I asked why so low and they seemed shocked and said something about not smiling enough. They literally never saw me work. If I'm not smiling on the floor it's because I'm heating thousands of pounds of liquor and wine and might have been a bit too tired to look cheery. It's five years later. I make 5x more now, and this manages to still crop up in my mind. I want to scream at them to this day. Fuck you guys. I still don't buy your brands. I still remember your shitty grins.

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