I’m a nanny and the entire family tested positive less than a week ago for Covid. I know their two kids went to school the following Monday, which I understand. But they also expected me in.
When I got there the grandmother said that her daughter wasn’t back at work because she wasn’t supposed to be but rather running errands.
When I picked up there oldest from school he kept yelling he had Covid but wasn’t contagious.
The mother got home early and said she still wasn’t feeling well. And to top it all off not of this was communicated to me before hand and none of them wore a mask. Even though the cdc 5 day isolation guidelines were met, some family members seemed to have symptoms, and they wanted me in their home where they have been sick for a week.
I guess I’m just feeling frustrated. I’m anemic (so my immune system is weaker) and have a second job that relies on me as well. Not to mention a partner who has a job he needs to be at.
I’ve put in my notice prior to their positive test, but out of courtesy made it a month. I’m feeling really disrespected and wonder if this is worth discussing with them. Or if I should just keep my head down and get through it.
The job doesn’t really have any protections or anything. I just feel a little taken advantage of.