
Should I quit my job and travel for 1 year?

I'm curious what you would do in this situation. I'm 23 and have a nice job in IT (4 years). I've been studying very hard since I was 14 and always wanted a gap year after high school. But instead I went to college and got a full time job at 19. The first 3 years of my career I worked and cared a lot about my job and learnt a ton of stuff. But after moving on to other companies my workload got reduced a lot (to normal levels) and I have much more time to think (and stress) about my carrer & future. But I also feel tired, stressed, confused and often think about taking a long break. I've also started a small business which is in the early stages now. Long term I definitely want to work for my business. I'll have around 70K eur available and…

I'm curious what you would do in this situation.

I'm 23 and have a nice job in IT (4 years). I've been studying very hard since I was 14 and always wanted a gap year after high school. But instead I went to college and got a full time job at 19.

The first 3 years of my career I worked and cared a lot about my job and learnt a ton of stuff. But after moving on to other companies my workload got reduced a lot (to normal levels) and I have much more time to think (and stress) about my carrer & future. But I also feel tired, stressed, confused and often think about taking a long break.

I've also started a small business which is in the early stages now. Long term I definitely want to work for my business.

I'll have around 70K eur available and a few options in mind:

  • take a break for 1-2 years – I can focus on the business only and travel anywhere (most of the times alone), relax, work on my phisical and mental health which I've neglected recently.
    This sounds great to me, the only thing I worry about is my career when I come back – will I get worse job opportunities? Will I find it difficult to work again 9-5 after so much free time? With 4 years experience I'm in a great spot for progress now. That's asumming worse case, my business/future businesses will fail.

  • invest in stocks/crypto etc (already doing it)

  • buy an apartment (which I definitely won't do now, I live rent free. Old small house, but it's ok just for me)

  • other options??

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