
NC landscaping: How do I help my female friend get paid the same as my male friend?

Hey all, long time lurker on this sub, first time poster. Based in North Carolina. I’ve worked landscaping since I was 15. I’ve had varying pay rates. This last company that I work for hired me at 14$ Per hour to be a landscaping maintenance foreman. Mowing weeding, pruning, spraying and some customer communicating. 5-6 properties per day. My friend (female) was hired two weeks after me, she had more experience and more communication skills but was only Paid 13$ per hour for the same position. Fast forward 3 years and my other friend (male) with no experience gets hired and takes over my position and is making 3$ more than my other friend(female). The only reason either my friend or I know is male friend told us. And that management told him not to tell us specifically( mentioned us by name) How do I help my female friend get…

Hey all, long time lurker on this sub, first time poster. Based in North Carolina.
I’ve worked landscaping since I was 15. I’ve had varying pay rates. This last company that I work for hired me at 14$ Per hour to be a landscaping maintenance foreman. Mowing weeding, pruning, spraying and some customer communicating. 5-6 properties per day.
My friend (female) was hired two weeks after me, she had more experience and more communication skills but was only
Paid 13$ per hour for the same position.

Fast forward 3 years and my other friend (male) with no experience gets hired and takes over my position and is making 3$ more than my other friend(female). The only reason either my friend or I know is male friend told us. And that management told him not to tell us specifically( mentioned us by name)
How do I help my female friend get paid the same or better than my male friend? I’ve already helped her find NC Labor Board contacts, and sent her the federal laws on discussing wages amongst employees.

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