
My dad’s logic about unionizing

We were on the way home listening to the radio when the host said, “capital workers have earned the right to unionize.” My dad scoffed and said, “Oh great. Now congress definitely won’t be biased at all. Makes no sense.” He said it in the most sarcastic way. I just was silent and felt confused trying to understand his logic. The union is for the workers, not for any political party. I felt sorry for him that he twisted it so much in his head to that.

We were on the way home listening to the radio when the host said, “capital workers have earned the right to unionize.” My dad scoffed and said, “Oh great. Now congress definitely won’t be biased at all. Makes no sense.” He said it in the most sarcastic way.

I just was silent and felt confused trying to understand his logic. The union is for the workers, not for any political party. I felt sorry for him that he twisted it so much in his head to that.

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