
Boss rescinding flexible hours after I came to work “late” because I had completed my duties the day before.

Im a physical therapist and I do a lot of prep work and see patients all day long. We have a system where if they schedule more than 5 evaluations, they block some documentation time. Well, it just so happened that my documentation time was first thing in the morning. I had finished all of my prep the day before so I figure I could come in later in the day. Well, one of my coworkers snitched and apparently they're enforcing my hours versus being flexible (which they touted as an advantage before I was hired). I accepted a job at Kaiser because of the benefits even though it meant I had a 5$/hour paycut. I'm salty but I don't know how to respond without shooting myself in the foot. I need your help anti-work. How do I respond ?

Im a physical therapist and I do a lot of prep work and see patients all day long. We have a system where if they schedule more than 5 evaluations, they block some documentation time. Well, it just so happened that my documentation time was first thing in the morning. I had finished all of my prep the day before so I figure I could come in later in the day.

Well, one of my coworkers snitched and apparently they're enforcing my hours versus being flexible (which they touted as an advantage before I was hired).

I accepted a job at Kaiser because of the benefits even though it meant I had a 5$/hour paycut. I'm salty but I don't know how to respond without shooting myself in the foot.

I need your help anti-work. How do I respond ?

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