
Old company and new company merged, executives getting paid out millions, but 40 people are getting laid off… seems fair.

Needing to vent so this might be ramble-y and I apologize. Not giving too much detail since this is a fairly well-publicized merger in my area. The company I worked at prior to my current employer is “merging” with my new employer. I’ve been at my new company for about 18 months, had good performance, not a single complaint to address in reviews, and I’m quick to respond to any management requests while working remotely the entire time. A merger was announced in late 2021, no set date of completion but the entire time upper management was stating to the entire company that this was a true merger, there was no concern about lay offs or departmental reductions, etc. Bonuses were paid earlier in the year to all eligible employees, and as we got closer to the finalization management maintained that no reductions were happening, but some locations were closing…

Needing to vent so this might be ramble-y and I apologize. Not giving too much detail since this is a fairly well-publicized merger in my area. The company I worked at prior to my current employer is “merging” with my new employer. I’ve been at my new company for about 18 months, had good performance, not a single complaint to address in reviews, and I’m quick to respond to any management requests while working remotely the entire time. A merger was announced in late 2021, no set date of completion but the entire time upper management was stating to the entire company that this was a true merger, there was no concern about lay offs or departmental reductions, etc. Bonuses were paid earlier in the year to all eligible employees, and as we got closer to the finalization management maintained that no reductions were happening, but some locations were closing due to redundancy with employees being moved to other locations, not laid off. Before the merger could start being finalized a ballot was sent to stockholders of the companies, of which I am one, to vote on the merger. I reviewed the prospectus, noted that about a dozen executives from both companies were getting multi-million dollar payouts in the form of “participation compensation”, laughed because capitalism is ridiculous, and moved on with my life. For what it’s worth I voted “yes” on the merge but “no” to the compensation because fuck ‘em. Then about a month ago new organizational charts come out and it starts to become obvious that this is a takeover, majority of the new executives are from the bigger company, not many from my company. People start to worry but management insists there is nothing to be concerned about. Then about three weeks ago, out of the blue, my manager schedules a one-on-one call, and I have a sinking feeling as to what it’s about. The next day at noon I take her call and she starts off inquiring about my family and whatnot, like she cares, and by 12:03 I’ve been told I’m being laid off. I’m still stunned and in disbelief, I’ve never been fired or laid off and now, after 7 years of busting my ass to get to a career I enjoy that allows me to provide for my family, it’s being ripped away so some fuckhead manager can show off how streamlined their department is and the executives can make sure their bonuses stay nice and fat. Now I’m busting my ass to find a job and not have any lapse in income, all while wondering what’s the fucking point. I’ve applied to probably 60+ jobs that I am well-qualified for in the last three weeks, had one interview, and I’m not sure what to do if I can’t get something lined up soon. Fuck this.

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