
Internship Rant

I have a 240 hour unpaid internship that I'm almost done with. I'm pissed because it's required for a grade and I'm just working. Everyday I ask to learn something to make it worth my time but they just laugh and crack a dumb joke. As I understand the law, there must be some educational context to internships. This has not been the case l, I haven't learned anything new in the last 160 hours. I am an idiot who works for free, is the office punching bag, and experiencing sexism. The only light for me is that I have a job lined up that I actually want. Yeah, company is gorging themselves on my free labor and I'm alone. Thanks for listening.

I have a 240 hour unpaid internship that I'm almost done with. I'm pissed because it's required for a grade and I'm just working. Everyday I ask to learn something to make it worth my time but they just laugh and crack a dumb joke.
As I understand the law, there must be some educational context to internships. This has not been the case l, I haven't learned anything new in the last 160 hours.
I am an idiot who works for free, is the office punching bag, and experiencing sexism.
The only light for me is that I have a job lined up that I actually want.
Yeah, company is gorging themselves on my free labor and I'm alone.
Thanks for listening.

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