
Vote in your union and have the balls to hang on!

Why is Starbucks giving non union stores raises?? Standard operating procedure. First send in the union busters. “Try to plant some friends of the company before the vote”. If that doesn't work, draw out the “negotiations” as long as possible until agreeing on a contract. During that time “terms and conditions of employment at the store/warehouse that voted yes are not allowed to change”. …so Starbucks will offer everyone ELSE raises , benefits, bonuses to everyone else to send the message that its better to be union free. They will also find as many minor infractions as possible to fire vocal union supporters. Finally, they hope that after a year or two, the employees will decide to vote the union out so that they get the money others got. It's short sited, but when making so little money, it's hard to fight a long war against a company with a…

Why is Starbucks giving non union stores raises??

Standard operating procedure. First send in the union busters. “Try to plant some friends of the company before the vote”. If that doesn't work, draw out the “negotiations” as long as possible until agreeing on a contract. During that time “terms and conditions of employment at the store/warehouse that voted yes are not allowed to change”.

…so Starbucks will offer everyone ELSE raises , benefits, bonuses to everyone else to send the message that its better to be union free. They will also find as many minor infractions as possible to fire vocal union supporters.

Finally, they hope that after a year or two, the employees will decide to vote the union out so that they get the money others got. It's short sited, but when making so little money, it's hard to fight a long war against a company with a billion dollar war chest.

It's a scummy and shitty game, but the corporations aren't there to make friends, they are there to make money

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