
Deliberately misclassified “independent contractor” that is so glad to make less off my labor than one of the richest people in the state. /s

Seems perfectly reasonable for one of the richest people in the state to make 33% more than me for doing nothing as he let's me pay every employee who does the work for him. I work 300 days/year for months at a time 7 days/week at any and all hours of the day or night and he has his own 3-hole golf course at his private estate that puts most country clubs to shame. I am so glad to work for this “job creator” who somehow invents freight that wouldn't exist if he didn't make more off of my labor than I do. Nel is Not Employer Legally for my purposes… Total Revenue Earned by Labor: $247,500 Total Revenue Paid to Me: $193,000 – Nel's cut: $54,500 Truck Truck Payments: $50,000 – Nel's profit from truck purchase: $20,000 Nel's Trailer Expense: $3,500 annually All other fees charged back to drivers:…

Seems perfectly reasonable for one of the richest people in the state to make 33% more than me for doing nothing as he let's me pay every employee who does the work for him. I work 300 days/year for months at a time 7 days/week at any and all hours of the day or night and he has his own 3-hole golf course at his private estate that puts most country clubs to shame. I am so glad to work for this “job creator” who somehow invents freight that wouldn't exist if he didn't make more off of my labor than I do.

Nel is Not Employer Legally for my purposes…

Total Revenue Earned by Labor: $247,500

Total Revenue Paid to Me: $193,000 – Nel's cut: $54,500

Truck Truck Payments: $50,000 – Nel's profit from truck purchase: $20,000

Nel's Trailer Expense: $3,500 annually

All other fees charged back to drivers: insurance, payroll and dispatch salary, permits and tags, fuel, etc.

My before-tax profit: $53,250 – Nel's estimated before-tax profit: $71,000

My after-tax profit: $42,000 – Nel's after tax profit if same tax rate (probably lower than mine): $56,000

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