
Even people making more than minimum wage aren’t exactly living it up.

I honestly think we're all in trouble besides elite level people. I make like $62,000 a year. I interviewed today for a higher position that could start at like $75,000. Now I know this is the part where people will come at me with torches and pitchforks but that's not that much money anymore. It's worth roughly what $50,000 was worth 10 years ago. Rent for even shitty apartments is $1500. 3 bedroom outdated houses that don't even look nice are like $350,000-$400,000. You're not getting something that's actually nice-ish until about $450,000. I was led to believe someone can go to college and get a nice middle of the road house with a lawn a wife and a couple kids. Now it's more like “Okay either your wife also needs to pull in an additional $40,000+ to account for helping pay the bills, daycare, etc or if you want…

I honestly think we're all in trouble besides elite level people. I make like $62,000 a year. I interviewed today for a higher position that could start at like $75,000. Now I know this is the part where people will come at me with torches and pitchforks but that's not that much money anymore. It's worth roughly what $50,000 was worth 10 years ago. Rent for even shitty apartments is $1500. 3 bedroom outdated houses that don't even look nice are like $350,000-$400,000. You're not getting something that's actually nice-ish until about $450,000. I was led to believe someone can go to college and get a nice middle of the road house with a lawn a wife and a couple kids. Now it's more like “Okay either your wife also needs to pull in an additional $40,000+ to account for helping pay the bills, daycare, etc or if you want the whole stay at home wife thing you better get to over $100,000. You can't have both.”

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