
I am so close to the edge now but I don’t know what else to do

I work for a municipality and most municipalities are nepotistic and mostly hire internally. I can’t find a job anywhere else but I want to leave so bad. There are so many things wrong with this workplace. Senior staff never wants to do any work so they take the credit of the work you did and slander you and make you look like you’re not pulling your weight, when really its the opposite. You can’t say anything or stand up for yourself because they have seniority and are unionized and I am a part timer so if you stand up for yourself you just make yourself a bigger target. There is so much ableism in this workplace too. I was trying to train an autistic employee who had learning difficulties and nobody bothered to teach him because “he was too difficult”. So I try to teach him and I get…

I work for a municipality and most municipalities are nepotistic and mostly hire internally. I can’t find a job anywhere else but I want to leave so bad.

There are so many things wrong with this workplace. Senior staff never wants to do any work so they take the credit of the work you did and slander you and make you look like you’re not pulling your weight, when really its the opposite.

You can’t say anything or stand up for yourself because they have seniority and are unionized and I am a part timer so if you stand up for yourself you just make yourself a bigger target.

There is so much ableism in this workplace too. I was trying to train an autistic employee who had learning difficulties and nobody bothered to teach him because “he was too difficult”. So I try to teach him and I get in trouble because i’m “taking too much time training an employee” who is a slow learner. The duties I am training him on are literally in his job description.

He is fully aware of his neglect and has shown signs of severe and obvious signs of low morale and has even confided to me that he was suicidal.

I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like I’m stuck. There are no external postings anywhere and I want out so bad.

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