A couple weeks ago I posted here asking for advice about my shitty workplace and one of its shitty owners making sex jokes and sexual comments on how great he is.
I wanted to give an update of things and thank everyone who commented.
I ended up telling him I don't appreciate that kind of talk or those kind of jokes, because another person told me I needed to say something to him about it before taking it to a corporate setting. Not even 2 days after he made another sex joke so I filed a complaint to corporate, as did another person.
I've also lowered my availability to save some of my sanity as working there is honestly soul draining to me due to the entitled snotty customers and it being expected I clock in early and stay late all the time. I also stopped clocking in early because I realized they just expect it as an every shift thing and I never get thanked for it. Also I've stopped staying an hour or more past my shifts out time and have told them before each shift that I am willing to stay 15 mins past my out time but then I'm leaving. I'd love to say I refuse to stay late whatsoever but I have bad luck and it gets busy whenever my shift is to be over, regardless of what time it is.
I also stopped asking if I could take my lunch break now and just tell them I'm taking my meal break that they give us as per their handbook. I am considerate and take it when it's slow.
I'm still putting applications into other places for part time work but I'm glad I'm growing enough confidence to put my foot down on things and the advice everyone gave me was the final push I needed. So Thanks again!