
Should I call the labor department???

I just picked up my paycheck from a place I worked at for about a week. My name is misspelled and the address is completely wrong( a different state). Also, I didn’t get the training wage. The manager handed me the check and I told him about the mistake on the name and address and he made me write the correct thing on a piece of paper. The place was absolutely awful so I just stopped showing up. There were so many red flags. My main concern is someone getting my w2 at the address that is not mine and the fact that I didn’t get paid the training wage. What is your advice on this? Thank you!

I just picked up my paycheck from a place I worked at for about a week. My name is misspelled and the address is completely wrong( a different state). Also, I didn’t get the training wage. The manager handed me the check and I told him about the mistake on the name and address and he made me write the correct thing on a piece of paper. The place was absolutely awful so I just stopped showing up. There were so many red flags. My main concern is someone getting my w2 at the address that is not mine and the fact that I didn’t get paid the training wage. What is your advice on this?

Thank you!

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