
Middle-class people who hate on the lower-class and homeless are only hurting themselves.

The sooner people realize it’s the 1% vs. everybody else, the better. All the gatekeeping against the lower class people, the people without degrees, and the homeless people is a very simple, effective divide and conquer strategy. The 99% blame everyone below them (upper-middle class blames middle and lower class; lower class blames homeless, etc.) for their problems. Which is exactly what the 1% wants.

The sooner people realize it’s the 1% vs. everybody else, the better.

All the gatekeeping against the lower class people, the people without degrees, and the homeless people is a very simple, effective divide and conquer strategy.

The 99% blame everyone below them (upper-middle class blames middle and lower class; lower class blames homeless, etc.) for their problems. Which is exactly what the 1% wants.

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