
someone told me yesterday their 14 year old works for McDonald’s at 7.25 an hour.

It's 2022, and America has 14 year Olds working for 7 dollars an hour…even better at a place where the food cost more than 7 dollars an hour. Wouldn't this be damn near child slavery/exploitation? No the kid's dad says. What are the excuses? “The kid shouldn't make that much cuz it ain't fair to the adults” “McDonald's will let him make 10 an hour when he turns 16” “He's just a kid. It's fine” “If we pay people more food will go up” “They give him free food tho” Even the kid believes his own dad's shit essentially setting his kid up for a lifetime to be taken advantage of by employers. Is American employment, and the working class this selfish we use children for poverty wages to work jobs we don't want to do? Yes ..yes we are.

It's 2022, and America has 14 year Olds working for 7 dollars an hour…even better at a place where the food cost more than 7 dollars an hour.

Wouldn't this be damn near child slavery/exploitation?

No the kid's dad says. What are the excuses?

“The kid shouldn't make that much cuz it ain't fair to the adults”

“McDonald's will let him make 10 an hour when he turns 16”

“He's just a kid. It's fine”

“If we pay people more food will go up”

“They give him free food tho”

Even the kid believes his own dad's shit essentially setting his kid up for a lifetime to be taken advantage of by employers.

Is American employment, and the working class this selfish we use children for poverty wages to work jobs we don't want to do? Yes ..yes we are.

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