
Job hunting

This was ten-odd years ago, but I remember it clearly because it was the moment my boomer dad realized just how different the job market was now. I was trying to get a job, and he tried to help by driving me to every shop that had a help wanted sign. That would have been a really sweet gesture in the seventies, but I was told every single time to fill out the website application. So he started getting frustrated with me coming out minutes later, empty handed, with that same message. It was not a great day. That evening, everyone’s sitting on the couch watching NCIS. I’ve decided to prove a point by filling out job applications on my laptop next to him. It works. “What are you doing?” ”I’m applying for a job at Kmart.” ”You were doing that two hours ago.” ”Yes, they’re making me do a…

This was ten-odd years ago, but I remember it clearly because it was the moment my boomer dad realized just how different the job market was now. I was trying to get a job, and he tried to help by driving me to every shop that had a help wanted sign. That would have been a really sweet gesture in the seventies, but I was told every single time to fill out the website application. So he started getting frustrated with me coming out minutes later, empty handed, with that same message. It was not a great day.

That evening, everyone’s sitting on the couch watching NCIS. I’ve decided to prove a point by filling out job applications on my laptop next to him.

It works. “What are you doing?”

”I’m applying for a job at Kmart.”

”You were doing that two hours ago.”

”Yes, they’re making me do a personality test and a simulation as part of the application.”


“This is pretty standard for online applications.”

My dad doesn’t say a word for the rest of the night. He’s just thinking.

He hasn’t offered job hunting advice since.

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