
Manager escalates situation after I say I’m leaving early for health reasons

This is going to be long because I over-explain and ramble. Also I'm on mobile so formatting will be bad. I'm a cart associate at Walmart, it's rough, some days more than others, especially when they decide that one person should be fine to cover the entire lot for 6 hours per person even though it's a two person job at least (for reference this Walmart is where a car dealership used to be so huge parking lot). I normally just get angry on the inside and do the best I can. I hardly ever call out because I'm usually not sick. Today was my first day back from covid leave (I tested negative, but the results took forever to come back). For those who don't know, when you're out due to covid they cancel all your upcoming shifts so you can take your time and not get paid. So…

This is going to be long because I over-explain and ramble. Also I'm on mobile so formatting will be bad.

I'm a cart associate at Walmart, it's rough, some days more than others, especially when they decide that one person should be fine to cover the entire lot for 6 hours per person even though it's a two person job at least (for reference this Walmart is where a car dealership used to be so huge parking lot). I normally just get angry on the inside and do the best I can. I hardly ever call out because I'm usually not sick.

Today was my first day back from covid leave (I tested negative, but the results took forever to come back). For those who don't know, when you're out due to covid they cancel all your upcoming shifts so you can take your time and not get paid. So when I came in, I wasn't on the schedule but just clocked in. It was also extremely hot at 80°F with a 58% humidity (I'm from Northern New York, I understand this may not be “that bad” where you're from). The Am guy was there since 7 and working til 4. I came in at 1 and was going to work til 10 as per usual. Because I wasn't scheduled, they had someone else scheduled to take over at 1 who is notorious for just not showing up, which he also did today. I clocked in and got to work, helping Am guy til he left, but after he left, I started feeling the effects of the heat: light headedness, nausea, etc. I didn't immediately skip to going home, instead I grabbed a water and sat in the shade for a bit and it didn't help.

After that, I decided to go home as my health comes before any job. I went inside and told my team lead this. I was courteous and did a carry-out so they could find a manager to talk with me. I admittedly felt a little better at this point and considered just apologizing and getting back to work. But when I got back inside, they had chosen the worst manager to possibly handle this situation, the asshole one. I explained that 1. I was sorry for leaving, but nothing seemed to be helping, 2. I figured it'd be better if I were sick at home than sick at work. He didn't take kindly to this and said “well, you're screwing over the front end because now we have to find people to cover the lot and now they're gonna be out in that heat. I never call out and I've been here x years, while you've only been here 3 months.”

I attempted to de-escalate, reiterating that I realized this left everyone in a tight spot but it was just for today. I admit that my tone does get out of control at times, as well as my head, so I also added that if he didn't like me leaving for health concerns he was free to fire me. At this point he said “YOU WON'T TALK TO ME THAT WAY”. after some more back and forth, he said “fine, go home. Whatever.” I have since reported this, and I've been looking for another job since I was hired.

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