
I applied for another job to threaten my current employer, but not for raises for me…

So I am a 28/M infrastructure engineer that runs a crew of 6 in a small office in my city. We do everything from mapping, finding, implementation, etc. of underground infrastructure. I have been at my firm for the last year and a couple months. I was hired on at a lower position than my experience level (Previous manager hired his best friend who was under-qualified for the position) so I got stuck where I was. Well, I recently got that promotion after a months-long fight. I was already doing the work of the position I wanted to move into, but for less pay. Eventually I told my boss that I didn't feel appreciated after a complete sh*t show of a project where he didn't listen to my advice on how to run the project (That's right, I called a BUNCH of stuff that was coming down the pipeline from…

So I am a 28/M infrastructure engineer that runs a crew of 6 in a small office in my city. We do everything from mapping, finding, implementation, etc. of underground infrastructure. I have been at my firm for the last year and a couple months. I was hired on at a lower position than my experience level (Previous manager hired his best friend who was under-qualified for the position) so I got stuck where I was.

Well, I recently got that promotion after a months-long fight. I was already doing the work of the position I wanted to move into, but for less pay. Eventually I told my boss that I didn't feel appreciated after a complete sh*t show of a project where he didn't listen to my advice on how to run the project (That's right, I called a BUNCH of stuff that was coming down the pipeline from my previous experience with a similar project). So when the sh*t finally hit the fan, I blew up on him. I called him out on not listening to me, that this was preventable, and how I either need to be promoted and trusted for the role I play in this office or I need to find a company that will trust my expertise.

Fast forward to about 6 weeks ago…

Our Regional Manager came down to our office to talk to all of my Technician I guys. Our RM (God bless his stupid self) thought he might be able to smooth over some grumbling about wage issues. Here's a list of the stupid sh*t he said that led up to the next part:

1) He informed 2 of us we had gotten screwed out of a $1500 Christmas bonus. They “Forgot” to submit for us.
2) He told them that they should be grateful to be getting a mandatory 50 hours a week (Which I told him is NOT a flex, being the market is so dry of workers, we can get that ANYWHERE for a few bucks more an hour extra. This pissed him off)
3) He informed us that any new employees that have ZERO knowledge in our field of work will immediately come in at $2 more an hour extra.
4) he informed my guys they in fact will NOT be getting $2 more an hour to meet that entry wage, even though I've trained and gotten these guys certified for every cert they need in this field of work personally.
5) He told them they should be grateful that we have an Employee stock option program, but the cost of the stock is so far outside of their means they'd NEVER be able to afford it on their wages.

So obviously after asking some hard questions of Mr. Richard Little *Wink wink*, I didn't like our interaction. So, I applied at the utility company that is our MAIN contract. I got the job, doing exactly what I was doing at this firm as a 3rd party contractor for them. When I told my boss I was going to leave, there was no movement on trying to keep me to stay. I asked him if he's even going to ask where I'm going. With some hesitancy, he asked where I am going. I told him I am going to the company you do the MOST work for, your primary contract, to do exactly what I'm doing here. They are unhappy with how much money they are paying our firm, and they know they can get the same quality of work from me because I've piloted ALL of your projects for these guys in this city. I also told him I negotiated bringing my entire crew with me to do the work, but I have not told the guys they had options to come with me at this time.

So, he asked what I would need to stay. I told him I don't need ANYTHING, except a happy crew. My guys all have kids, they all have families to feed. They have aspirations outside of work. They want to be able to afford to take a day off and still pay their mortgages, to be able to go to their kids dance recitals, to be there for their newborns birth and to take time off to spend with them and bond, and make sure there's food in the cupboards. I said if you want me to stay, ALL of my guys will get a $2.50 raise, PLUS 4% ONTOP of the CURRENT market inflation rate (Which I think we calculated at 7% this year) within 6 months, ONTOP of their yearly review (I don't remember the exact percentage from the review they get, but they are all top tier techs).

I turned down the job with our primary contract. They were saddened, but I explained the situation to the RM over there whose a good friend of mine. I told her my guys aren't being treated right, and if I leave, whose going to stand up for them and show them the love, compassion and understanding they deserve?

They got everything I asked for and then some. Although I am their boss, these men are like brothers to me. When my wife's sister passed away, they brought us flowers and helped us cover funeral costs, and this was even before they could afford a day off. When I had my surgery and couldn't work, they brought my family food, and took my kids for the weekend so I could rest up and start healing. I have no blood family left, they are all we got. And shockingly enough, since that move, my manager has fallen more in line with us as people than as our manager. I love the fact he's using terminology I use, such as “I ask for forgiveness, not permission.” and when Corporate gets on their counting peanuts garbage, he's now using my second favorite, “It sounds like a them problem, not an us problem.”

He almost seems inspired by my actions in a weird way.

This is what progress looks like.

I'll be damned if my kids grow up to get stuck in this “Use and abuse” your workers society.

Be bold, Antiwork. We're gaining ground, one employer at a time.

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