
The ancestors of the men and women who fought a war for the right to keep black people as property never learned their lesson.

Virtually any metric you want to check falls along the old boundary of the civil war; abortion, minimum wage, income inequality, unions, LGBTQ+ protections, education, life expectancy, etc. The ancestors of the men and women who fought a war for the right to keep black people as property never learned their lesson. Never regretted their actions. No, they put up statues to “remember their heritage.” They proudly fly their treasonous flag to this day. Their political class still seeks to control other human beings, and corrupts every public institution under their jurisdiction to exact a ruthless minority rule against the Union. At every step of the way The Confederate States of America have pulled back on the rope of progress for greed and power; slowly coiling the rope, tying it into knots, and draping it over the poplar tree. The GOP is the sole governing party of the Confederate States…

Virtually any metric you want to check falls along the old boundary of the civil war; abortion, minimum wage, income inequality, unions, LGBTQ+ protections, education, life expectancy, etc.

The ancestors of the men and women who fought a war for the right to keep black people as property never learned their lesson.

Never regretted their actions.

No, they put up statues to “remember their heritage.” They proudly fly their treasonous flag to this day.

Their political class still seeks to control other human beings, and corrupts every public institution under their jurisdiction to exact a ruthless minority rule against the Union.

At every step of the way The Confederate States of America have pulled back on the rope of progress for greed and power; slowly coiling the rope, tying it into knots, and draping it over the poplar tree.

The GOP is the sole governing party of the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy still exists. Let's stop pretending it doesn't.

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