
Company lied to me about pay, and called my Mother after I quit.

As title says, Hired on with Pride transport expecting to be paid little over 15 an hour give or take, granted this was barely anymore then the job I left for it with more hours and the expectation I'd be away from home for weeks on end. I originally was very excited to seriously get into driving since I've had my cdl since I was 19, but first week was about as good as I could've asked for, trainer constantly told me that I shouldn't have even had to go through the training because of prior experience that couldn't be verified. But that's a story for another day. Well fast forward to last week, I got a non local trainer to get my training hours faster along with my pay stub for the prior week. I was told in training and even have an overview of how their pay worked…

As title says, Hired on with Pride transport expecting to be paid little over 15 an hour give or take, granted this was barely anymore then the job I left for it with more hours and the expectation I'd be away from home for weeks on end.

I originally was very excited to seriously get into driving since I've had my cdl since I was 19, but first week was about as good as I could've asked for, trainer constantly told me that I shouldn't have even had to go through the training because of prior experience that couldn't be verified. But that's a story for another day. Well fast forward to last week, I got a non local trainer to get my training hours faster along with my pay stub for the prior week. I was told in training and even have an overview of how their pay worked during training, which… Says its no less then 550 a week, Be me in shock when I look at my paystub and before taxes it was 390. I clearly assumed this was some sort of mix up and called the companies pay roll lady, to which I was told that Its how they pay training and that the 550 was a cap.

As one would probably assume I was beyond furious and told her that I would no longer be working for the company if they were only going to pay me less then what I made at my first job 4 years ago. She tried to convince me that it would get better after training, except that my Father old and wise has heard this sob story on more then one occasion and knows the outcome doesn't lead to anymore then what they are already paying me. Now I was scheduled to go out with my trainer at the end of that week and had somehow managed to get talked into just finishing the first “phase” of training as they call it, which would've had me out for no more then a week since I had already gotten half my hours working locally with another trainer. So that gave me about a day to find a job, (Thanks to my Brother in law I did) Which I promptly told them.

Now its about a week later and at this point I got tired of listening to their shit and started ignoring phone calls by everyone. Well today my Mother walks into my room to ask me if I happen to know Shaun (fill in name for the driver manager) asking why I haven't answered his calls and that he wanted to know what was going on… I told not only him but the guy that was over the trainees that I wasn't going to be returning because of how frankly laughable the pay was. Guy is so desperate for drivers that he resorted to calling my emergency contact to try and get ahold of me.

I haven't responded, quite frankly not sure how to go about it even if I do bother to. New job is paying me 25 an hour to work 3-4 days a week with better benefits then they could ever offer me. Not to mention I don't have to be away from home for weeks at a time to barely scrape by. I'm honestly fuming currently and needed to rant.

Sorry for any misspellings school wasn't my greatest subject.

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