
Is it just me, or are commercials trying to normalize “side hustles” super cringe?

Hearing all of these tv commercials saying “download this app to use for your perfect side hustle” is getting super disheartening. A lot of them target you selling your own personal stuff for them to take their percentage anyway. That's not a side hustle. That's an online garage sale. And also, I shouldn't have to have a side hustle to survive. Oh and also I shouldn't have to dig in my closet and sell a t-shirt to buy lunch.

Hearing all of these tv commercials saying “download this app to use for your perfect side hustle” is getting super disheartening. A lot of them target you selling your own personal stuff for them to take their percentage anyway. That's not a side hustle. That's an online garage sale. And also, I shouldn't have to have a side hustle to survive. Oh and also I shouldn't have to dig in my closet and sell a t-shirt to buy lunch.

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