
That moment when your manager promotes someone to supervisor who’s worked 3 months and does nothing, and you’ve worked 8 and do everything…

It truly sucks when I see people around me get promoted to the supervisor position. It only pays $2 more, but it looks good on paper and has an awesome position title. I’m still the same position that I’ve been hired as, even though I’ve had other managers tell me I’m doing a great job and that I should be promoted. My manager isn’t great at managing whatsoever, and she purposely chooses not to promote me. I feel like she doesn’t want to promote me, because I do too good of a job, and I won’t be as “pinned” down to certain duties as I currently am. She also has favourites, and she picks who she wants as supervisor (instead of seeing the bigger picture of who actually has most experience and does the work)… she promoted someone who stands around and does nothing, all because she gets along very…

It truly sucks when I see people around me get promoted to the supervisor position. It only pays $2 more, but it looks good on paper and has an awesome position title. I’m still the same position that I’ve been hired as, even though I’ve had other managers tell me I’m doing a great job and that I should be promoted. My manager isn’t great at managing whatsoever, and she purposely chooses not to promote me. I feel like she doesn’t want to promote me, because I do too good of a job, and I won’t be as “pinned” down to certain duties as I currently am.

She also has favourites, and she picks who she wants as supervisor (instead of seeing the bigger picture of who actually has most experience and does the work)… she promoted someone who stands around and does nothing, all because she gets along very well with them. She purposely holds a grudge about me because she says I took a “vacation”, when I was actually away for bereavement for a funeral. I find that quite disrespectful too…

She promoted three people of colour. She is also a person of colour. I’m a white male… is that discrimination if she’s doing that?

TLDR: My manager sucks.

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