
Today I got fired after working only 2 shifts for them

One day I went into an ice cream shop while exploring the town, and I loved it so much I decided this would be my next job. It was the most amazing ice cream I had ever tried. I was even more amazed at the actual interview what they said. Basically, you could take any day off. Even if you were feeling too depressed to come in, that was totally acceptable to them. And while you start at $8/hr that gradually goes up over time, and you can make over $100 in tips depending on the day. But, they're divided. This is what I was told. Now I see this was probably a ruse to keep more people. They seemed like extremely nice people I clicked with at a personal level. But, they gave me almost no hours. Working part time for maybe two days in a week, sometimes one.…

One day I went into an ice cream shop while exploring the town, and I loved it so much I decided this would be my next job. It was the most amazing ice cream I had ever tried. I was even more amazed at the actual interview what they said. Basically, you could take any day off. Even if you were feeling too depressed to come in, that was totally acceptable to them. And while you start at $8/hr that gradually goes up over time, and you can make over $100 in tips depending on the day. But, they're divided. This is what I was told. Now I see this was probably a ruse to keep more people. They seemed like extremely nice people I clicked with at a personal level.
But, they gave me almost no hours. Working part time for maybe two days in a week, sometimes one. Again, they said this would gradually increase over time. Thanks to this I had almost no experience in the span of about 2 weeks.
It was actually incredibly difficult to scoop up the ice cream, I found it was almost impossible. But at the end of the 2nd day I felt I found the technique to make it easier. They also claimed I always needed help and to be watched, even though I didn't. In fact I have cashier experience, and almost everytime I started working at it, I was pulled away.
I think it's crazy to expect someone to get the hang and be comfortable at a new job after only 2 days and with extremely low hours (one of the days was only a two hour shift)

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