
QT worker told me she doesn’t get breaks or lunches. Can I do anything?

In Arizona, in 2022, for some godawful bullshit reason, breaks and lunches are not required or protected. This QT employee said she works overnights by herself and often doesn't eat for over 8 hours. She said she can't use the restroom when she needs to because they're too busy for her to leave the main floor for two minutes. She considers taking the trash out the only break she gets and she's working the whole time. She said she's new and doesn't want to make waves because they promised her a career path. Boy, I sure know that line of lies. She said she's lost 12 lbs in two months because she runs around sweating all shift. She's already quite thin. She deserves a freaking rest and a chance to get some nutrients. Who do I contact about this? I know my sole email or letter or whatever can't do…

In Arizona, in 2022, for some godawful bullshit reason, breaks and lunches are not required or protected. This QT employee said she works overnights by herself and often doesn't eat for over 8 hours. She said she can't use the restroom when she needs to because they're too busy for her to leave the main floor for two minutes. She considers taking the trash out the only break she gets and she's working the whole time.

She said she's new and doesn't want to make waves because they promised her a career path. Boy, I sure know that line of lies.

She said she's lost 12 lbs in two months because she runs around sweating all shift. She's already quite thin. She deserves a freaking rest and a chance to get some nutrients.

Who do I contact about this? I know my sole email or letter or whatever can't do anything but I can't do NOTHING. I have very clear memories of being abused by my employers in this godforsaken state 20 years ago. I can't believe this is still legal.

What steps do I take? Thanks for any help.

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