
A few cents

i have been reading for a few weeks now and i think their are more likeminded people here then in my surroundings.this is going to be a tad long post so be prepared i get alot of critisism for my thoughts and i just wanted to know if it is just me? i am a bit over 30. did all of the things. get a education get a good job did good worked all my life. am still working 2 jobs right now. i am making good money. bought a home and i dont have to worry financial wise right now and in the near future. this is not a look at me doing good post it is just for context purposes. i have been told that i am very negative. i always see the downside. but in my opinion i am realistic and i have been confirmed in my…

i have been reading for a few weeks now and i think their are more likeminded people here then in my surroundings.this is going to be a tad long post so be prepared i get alot of critisism for my thoughts and i just wanted to know if it is just me?

i am a bit over 30. did all of the things. get a education get a good job did good worked all my life. am still working 2 jobs right now. i am making good money. bought a home and i dont have to worry financial wise right now and in the near future.

this is not a look at me doing good post it is just for context purposes.

i have been told that i am very negative. i always see the downside. but in my opinion i am realistic and i have been confirmed in my view many times over the years.

i see the future for humanity not so bright.
i am a outspoken person not afraid to speak my thoughts so i always negiote for my contract on job interviews and extensions for example. i dont always get what i want but i always get more then i would have.
but in the end it all seems futile. i can literally see the way society is going.

society has always been in control of the few.

what do all of the monarch kings and queens have in common over the world.

their ancestors were the biggiest thiefs in history thats why they gave their offspring the royal title.

so society has always been in favor of the faraos, kings and queens. the people has had some wins when they united like che guevera like john f kennedy like muhammed ali. i wanted to say edward snowden but the people abonded him to the wolves. he is beeing destroyrd just for telling the thruth and we left him in their hands instead of cheering him on for outing the bs of all of these puppets

just the past 50 years they perfected the divide and conquer strategy.

it used to be the blacks then the jews then the muslims.

now its everything thats dividing us.

the few invented interest because they wanted to make money with money because they had a lot.

this trinkeled down to todays society where it is almost impossible to become a member of the few. dont get me wrong it is certain possible to get really rich for the selected few that are extremely talented(hard working).
they always put the hoop just low enough so a very few can dunk it.

because in a society where there is no hope their is anarchy.

where the hoop 40 years ago was at 3.5feet(1m) today its at like 9feet(2.5m) and its keeps getting higher. i am a bit off i know.

less and less people can dunk it.

the interest and inflation rates is going to demolish the middle class all across the world. there is going to be rich and poor. and all because of another bs concept capitalism. what is infinate growth anyway. that means infinate resources ,customers and workers. last time i checked science contradicts that but we accepted this bs in society. ooooo noooo the multi billionare did not make the same amount of profit as last year and mind you this is including inflation(so the fucker made more in number wise). he has to make more the exel spreedsheet has spoken. so if he does not gain more in revenue its expenses that are going to be cut. he gets his bonus one way or another. the expences in his exel sheet are the lives of his workers nothing more then numbers on the program he cannot typ =a1*b1 he needs a calculator for that. those expensive ones they told you desperately needed and only played games on. that was pretty cool tho.

i saw that my sanity and morals is going to be compromised if i keep going on this path on furthering your career. it meant you have to change as a person to be one of them to do as they do. i could not. how i know this. my second job that i work on weekends now. i have got an 1 above worker status promotion. i lead the workers in a fast food restaurant.
1 day management asked me this question.
why are people telling us they can only work on days you are working. hinting in what am i doiing for them in a wrong way.

i told him this. instead of asking me why they want to work with me you should ask the rest why they dont want to work with them.
the simpel answer was i treated them fairly and gave the good workers some slack.
just pay if they stay longer have laughs sometimes and work hard when needed. And hey if you covered my ass a bunch of times and 1 time you call me and say i cant and nobody wants to work i got you fam.

the everyday stress is not worth it to let somebody tell a story about you here. the lack of empathy and sympathy you need to be the best of the best does not seem very rewarding or achievable. so sooner or later inflation(a fancy word for greed) is going to get me. i feel like i am running in a long ass tunnel going 20miles /hour beeing chased by inflation going 21miles/hour. sometimes i get a power up or a boost but inflation always 1 ups me in the race. like death you can extend but not omit.

in the end i think that what we call modern slavery is going to be a paradise of what whe are going to see in the future. Maybe those movies where not fiction but just a picture of the future. a society like the matrix(the metaverse) or hunger games does not seem far far away.

i dont know if somebody watched black mirror. but one episode really gave me the chills. not the one with the likes also really real right know.

it was the one with the actor from get out. the digital cube and working to just spend it on virtuel bs. skins but then in real life.

evrybody working and looking for a break. and the one that made it also sold out to the devil.

i have made some smart moves in my past and i potentially still could improve in my career. i mean today ia a employees market. if today you are not getting a raise you are never going to.

that lifestyle does not seem fancy to me. instead of ruining the world for profit and greed and then blaming the innocent people for it we could have become so great.

evidence shows if we invested in every country equal the birthnumbers would be declining like all off the developed country. but infinate greed does not understand that ofcourse. they are capitalizing on everything and they do not shame dont make a mistake on that. sick people no problem, dead people pfff easy, handicapped, we spin it so it seems okay.

these people are testing human behaviour and putting these experiments to work.

their was 1 study they had like 8 people in a room.
1 of the was the testsubject the rest where in on it.

the showed 4 lines and 1 of them was the longest.
it was obvious which one it was.

at first everbody called it right. the testsubject was convienently placed last.
after a few round they called the wrong answer on purpose. in like 50% of the times the testsubject goes along with the herd. even more if the testsubject is shamed for their answer if the testsubject calls it right some change it after. then the number goes up to 75%.

they even tested the willingless of the people to kill other people in front of autority.

the placed 1 testsubject and 1 person on the other side of the curtain supposedly but the testsubject did not know that. he asked him questions and after every round he pushed a button to give the other a shock.
the voltage increases after every wrong answer.
this all is explained by the experiment host who is also in the room the testsubject can speak with him.

after a while the man behind the curtain goes from beeing tickeled to screaming in pain. i remember 1 testsubject who wants to quit after the man behind the curtain stopped screaming. after a little pursuation and after the man asked the host if he is responsible if something happens i saw what people are capable of. After a confirming answer from the host the man pushes the button to deal a executing shock on the already silent man behind the curtain.
like come on bro how can your own mind talk you into doing this you are pushing the damn button.

all exept the few not including millionares are going to get a massive blow when the financial meltdown is going to vaporize all assets maybe exept tangible items. and tadaaa our savior the digital universal currency. I call dips on the name going to get that multi mulion patent.

in the end we are just waiting for the ground under us to crumble when that happens we fall too.

they always told us the lies of a piramide. like they are on the top and everybody else is below.

brobthey are not even on that piramde. when the working class under neath me falls i fall too it just takes a little more time untill i hit the ground.

excuse the english not my first language. went a little on a ranth here
ps not depressed. i enjoy the little things in life

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