
It amazes me how I’m visibly in a depression brain fog but my supervisor thinks poking me will make it go away.

I can get through my daily tasks if I focus very hard on one thing at a time, in spite of the fact I don’t have a lot of positive incentives in my life to care. This however cannot work because my supervisor takes this as a sign she needs to poke me to wake me up, constantly distracting me from whatever I could’ve achieved. When that doesn’t work, she starts being passive aggressive and re-sending the same things, intra-day. This leaves me feeling worse and deeper in the depression brain fog. Sometimes, I go to the bathroom and it takes me a good 2-3 minutes to get up because I’m so depressed, I can’t move my hands to get dressed again. It’s just so stupid and feels like a microcosm of my whole life since I was in school.

I can get through my daily tasks if I focus very hard on one thing at a time, in spite of the fact I don’t have a lot of positive incentives in my life to care. This however cannot work because my supervisor takes this as a sign she needs to poke me to wake me up, constantly distracting me from whatever I could’ve achieved. When that doesn’t work, she starts being passive aggressive and re-sending the same things, intra-day. This leaves me feeling worse and deeper in the depression brain fog. Sometimes, I go to the bathroom and it takes me a good 2-3 minutes to get up because I’m so depressed, I can’t move my hands to get dressed again. It’s just so stupid and feels like a microcosm of my whole life since I was in school.

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