
Going from a toxic work environment to a non-toxic work environment has shown me how much MORE toxic the toxic job was than originally believed.

Right out of college I got a contracting position. I remember being super excited about having a foot in the door. After about 6 months I got my first salaried position in the company for a different team. It was an entry level position but the culture made it “seem” like you had the capability of moving up. My first clue something wasn’t right was 2 weeks later at the end of my shift – my manager and the director pulled me into an office. I was freaking out, but now I believe the whole thing was for intimidation. Aparently I got offered more money for the position than I should have, and they wanted to ‘encourage’ me not to share my salary with other employees, and that I wouldn’t receive raises (or they would be minuscule) for the first couple years until all the other salaried entry level employees…

Right out of college I got a contracting position. I remember being super excited about having a foot in the door. After about 6 months I got my first salaried position in the company for a different team. It was an entry level position but the culture made it “seem” like you had the capability of moving up. My first clue something wasn’t right was 2 weeks later at the end of my shift – my manager and the director pulled me into an office. I was freaking out, but now I believe the whole thing was for intimidation. Aparently I got offered more money for the position than I should have, and they wanted to ‘encourage’ me not to share my salary with other employees, and that I wouldn’t receive raises (or they would be minuscule) for the first couple years until all the other salaried entry level employees caught up to me……red flag.
As time went on it because very apparent how much of a micromanager my boss was. She would freak out if you didn’t respond to her message in about 30 seconds, panicked everytime something needed done, breathing down our necks, etc.
Next came the two bullies. They had the boss wrapped around their fingers believing everything they told her, when, in fact, most of what they were doing was incorrect. They would mess assignments up, wouldn’t get assignments done by the deadline and would find someone else to blame. And when me and other members of my team would fix it, and clarify that a process needed changed, we would be blocked and forced to continue doing it incorrectly because “that’s how it’s always been done”.
The bullying continued to happen over COVID but at least work from home allowed us not to see them in person. Then the company started pushing for a hybrid schedule even though we didn’t want to. There was no choice. So me and my coworker got stuck with one of the bullies.
My final straw was when this bully got up in the middle of the office and started yelling at me for how I responded to an email, and basically was telling me to stay out of it – even though the email had to do with both of our work. My boss and director asked me if I misinterpreted it…I said pleantly of people stood up to watch, you can ask them.
I hadn’t had a raise in the entire 2 years – my boss told me she has to have evidence to push for raises…lol

Thankfully my husband and I moved states and I was able to job hunt. After about 2 months I got offered my current position, I put in my two weeks and never regretted it.
My boss does not micromanage in the slightest, as long as my work gets done that’s all that matters. He values and respects my opinion, and actually puts it to use. I occasionally have to travel for my job now, but besides that I work from home full time. After 3 months I receive a raise at the start of the year like everyone else and receive bonuses. I currently make about 10k more than I did a year ago and couldn’t be happier.
My husband tells me I look happier, I laugh more and am in a better mood. Because I am.
The funny thing is, even though I’m still in a healthy work culture, I sometimes panic like a would at my old job. If my boss sends me a message I still have the urge to fly to my computer or stop whatever it is I’m working on to respond to him that second….even though he could care less. I freak out if something I turn in isn’t perfection, when most of the time my boss gives me praise for it, or constructive guidence. That panic has slowly lowered over time, but still does happen. And it made me realize just how awful my first job was if I’m still dealing with the mental affects 9 months later.

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