
Job advice for 14 year olds

My younger sister (14) is looking for a summer job. What places would y'all recommend that would treat her decently and pay okay? I also want to help her learn how to stand up for her worker's rights, but I'm kind of a pushover and don't think I'd be the best person to help her do that, so a link or two would be helpful. I live in the Midwest, around Chicago, if that helps. Any advice is appreciated, thanks! ​ (Mods, feel free to take this down if it doesn't fit the sub)

My younger sister (14) is looking for a summer job. What places would y'all recommend that would treat her decently and pay okay? I also want to help her learn how to stand up for her worker's rights, but I'm kind of a pushover and don't think I'd be the best person to help her do that, so a link or two would be helpful. I live in the Midwest, around Chicago, if that helps.

Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

(Mods, feel free to take this down if it doesn't fit the sub)

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