
TW: Miscarriage

I found out I was pregnant 2 days ago. Extremely shocked as husband has had a procedure, but that is what it is. Pregnancy is dangerous for me, so I was going to the doctor on Thursday…this is not the easiest few days. I'm a home care worker in the UK at the moment, it's notoriously badly paid for everything we had to do and know, and also badly understaffed. I went to my first visit, starting at 7am, I started to feel cramping, given I had cramping all through my pregnancy with my son I didn't pay it too much attention, took some pain killers and went inside. About 15 minutes in, the cramps started getting worse, knowing how this usually goes (as I said pregnancy and my body aren't suited) I excused myself and messaged my on call explaining and saying I need to go to the hospital…

I found out I was pregnant 2 days ago. Extremely shocked as husband has had a procedure, but that is what it is. Pregnancy is dangerous for me, so I was going to the doctor on Thursday…this is not the easiest few days.

I'm a home care worker in the UK at the moment, it's notoriously badly paid for everything we had to do and know, and also badly understaffed.

I went to my first visit, starting at 7am, I started to feel cramping, given I had cramping all through my pregnancy with my son I didn't pay it too much attention, took some pain killers and went inside. About 15 minutes in, the cramps started getting worse, knowing how this usually goes (as I said pregnancy and my body aren't suited) I excused myself and messaged my on call explaining and saying I need to go to the hospital after the visit. I finished the visit, barely made it to my car, vomited on the way. Then read the message from the on call, they had covered me until 12. 4 hours to have a miscarriage and go back to work.

I replied to say based on my past experiences of miscarriage, it would take longer than that. I was covered until 4pm. 7 hours to have a miscarriage.

I messaged from the hospital explaining I had to have an internal scan, blood tests, swabs, I didn't yet know if the procedure would be surgical or not, I wouldn't be ready for work at 4pm.

The only response I've had was to inform me that my parking permit is ready to collect and has been for weeks.

I'm still rotaed to start at 7am tomorrow. Apparently, 23 hours to have a miscarriage is enough time to go through it and be ready to get back to work.

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