
Is it normal to get a warning for not wanting to work at your desk?

For context, I have a cube in the office that I work at, and my job is not remote. This is where my desk is, and my monitors are, etc. Sometimes, I find it hard to concentrate on my tasks if I sit in one space, and stare at the same screen. To change it up I like to go work in other parts of the office with my laptop: I use the empty conference rooms, other tables in the open floor space, etc. The HR generalist and my supervisor have an issue with this, and so I got a verbal warning about it. They told me that this was “spoken protocol” at the company (meaning there is no hard written rule in their handbook), where you have to sit at your desk in your cube to work. I asked them why, and they said it’s because people are more…

For context, I have a cube in the office that I work at, and my job is not remote. This is where my desk is, and my monitors are, etc. Sometimes, I find it hard to concentrate on my tasks if I sit in one space, and stare at the same screen. To change it up I like to go work in other parts of the office with my laptop: I use the empty conference rooms, other tables in the open floor space, etc. The HR generalist and my supervisor have an issue with this, and so I got a verbal warning about it. They told me that this was “spoken protocol” at the company (meaning there is no hard written rule in their handbook), where you have to sit at your desk in your cube to work. I asked them why, and they said it’s because people are more productive at their desks because there is a desktop you can extend your laptop screen to. The thing is, I started this job remotely for the first few months, with no desk, not even a chair. I couldn’t afford furniture for a few months and my company didn’t provide me with a stipend for a home office setup, but I still made it work. I got the work done, and they were pleased with the quality of my work. As far as I have been told, they still have no issue with the quality of my work, just with where I’m sitting while I get it done. I explained my issues with concentration if I’m stuck in one spot nonstop, but they disagree with me and will not let me work away from my desk. Is it normal for a company to be such a stickler for rules like this? I’m just curious if other workplaces are like this as well.

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