
pay discrepancy and shitty response

context: i get paid every two weeks. i work at a little coffee shop owned by a husband and wife. they are new business owners. the majority of my paycheck comes from tips. i noticed in my last paycheck that i worked 52 hours and got paid x amount of dollars and on the most recent paycheck i worked 60 hours and made two dollars less. i was confused bc of the hour difference and the owners had just jacked up the prices of everything in the store (btw not one person got a raise) and so our tip out should've been higher. i confronted my boss, and she told me that on the last paycheck (two weeks prior when i had worked 52 hours) their accountant messed up and used the tip amount from three pay periods ago for that paycheck, so they had balanced it put by deducting…

context: i get paid every two weeks. i work at a little coffee shop owned by a husband and wife. they are new business owners. the majority of my paycheck comes from tips.

i noticed in my last paycheck that i worked 52 hours and got paid x amount of dollars and on the most recent paycheck i worked 60 hours and made two dollars less. i was confused bc of the hour difference and the owners had just jacked up the prices of everything in the store (btw not one person got a raise) and so our tip out should've been higher.

i confronted my boss, and she told me that on the last paycheck (two weeks prior when i had worked 52 hours) their accountant messed up and used the tip amount from three pay periods ago for that paycheck, so they had balanced it put by deducting our pay this pay period. i told her that was weird and asked why we were being penalized for something that wasnt our fault. she said shed talk to the accountant.

a few days later the husband sits down with me and starts yelling at me, telling me he can pay me $15/hour but i wont make tips and that i wont get the one benefit our job offers (a free meal). i tell him i was just confused by the situation and he keeps telling me that im the bad guy and that they made a mistake and that im just greedy. mind you he does this in the middle of a full store in front of all of my coworkers on shift. i started crying and almost got up and quit, and he keeps saying that if i dont like how things are handled then i can work somewhere else and keeps vaguely threatening to fire me. when i tell him that hes being rude and disrespectful and that im abt to quit he changes his attitude and tells me how much he appreciates what i do for the store and that im too valuable to lose.

i let things calm down, and we talked about a few other things because i didnt want to quit and regret it later. what do yall think

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