
Working for what??

We were taught if you work hard and apply yourself, you could live the 'American Dream'. Ya know, the house, picket fence, save for retirement, etc. As inflation continues to pound us all, is there really an American Dream anymore? It would be one thing if just one aspect of consumerism went way up, but it has affected every aspect of the dollar. Okay, gas is way up, so typical person has to sacrifice somewhere else. Not as much for say groceries. Guess what, those prices have skyrocketed as well. Oil, housing, etc. It never stops, and continues to worsen. Why bust your ass, and give any company all you have? There is no reward, no better life cause you worked hard. You know what the reward is? If you are lucky, barely staying above water. For most, it will be drowning in debt, and a bleak future. Working just…

We were taught if you work hard and apply yourself, you could live the 'American Dream'. Ya know, the house, picket fence, save for retirement, etc.

As inflation continues to pound us all, is there really an American Dream anymore? It would be one thing if just one aspect of consumerism went way up, but it has affected every aspect of the dollar. Okay, gas is way up, so typical person has to sacrifice somewhere else. Not as much for say groceries. Guess what, those prices have skyrocketed as well. Oil, housing, etc. It never stops, and continues to worsen.

Why bust your ass, and give any company all you have? There is no reward, no better life cause you worked hard. You know what the reward is? If you are lucky, barely staying above water. For most, it will be drowning in debt, and a bleak future.

Working just means you are less in debt, not exactly the American Dream we were all led to believe was obtainable.

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