
Dear Auto Technicians, don’t get married to your shop.

TLDR; Found somewhere willing to pay double my rate. Your service manager/director is not your friend, they close your tickets and approve/deny vacation, do not let them guilt you into staying. I put in my notice on Friday, after 4 years of no raises because “it's not a good time because of covid” and “well since the merger management is chaotic and I can't get anyone a raise”, meanwhile our labor rate went from 140/hr to 190/hr and all the upper management is on salary for 250-350k a year at a relatively small dealership. These people don't look out for the actual working tier until it's a problem when they have to tell their bosses that skilled labor is leaving in droves. All the technicians in my shop received a 2$ raise today, they didn't even try to give me counter-offer to stay with them (Spoiler: I wouldn't have). Know…

TLDR; Found somewhere willing to pay double my rate.

Your service manager/director is not your friend, they close your tickets and approve/deny vacation, do not let them guilt you into staying.

I put in my notice on Friday, after 4 years of no raises because “it's not a good time because of covid” and “well since the merger management is chaotic and I can't get anyone a raise”, meanwhile our labor rate went from 140/hr to 190/hr and all the upper management is on salary for 250-350k a year at a relatively small dealership.

These people don't look out for the actual working tier until it's a problem when they have to tell their bosses that skilled labor is leaving in droves. All the technicians in my shop received a 2$ raise today, they didn't even try to give me counter-offer to stay with them (Spoiler: I wouldn't have).

Know your worth no matter the industry, don't put up with “but you're important to us” when you're getting paid peanuts.


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